Sustainability analyses of photovoltaic electrolysis and magnetic heat engine coupled novel system used for hydrogen production and electricity generation

RefereedArticleQ2 quartileSCI-ExpandedInternational
Emin Acikkalp, Onder Altuntas, Hakan Caliskan, Giulia Grisolia, Umberto Lucia, David Borge-Diez, Enrique Rosales-Asensio
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 52(B) (2022) 102094: 1-9.
Publication year: 2022

Life cycle assessment based exergoenvironmental analysis of a cogeneration system used for ceramic factories

RefereedArticleQ2 quartileSCI-ExpandedInternational
Hasan Caglayan, Hakan Caliskan
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 52 (2022) 102078: 1-16.
Publication year: 2022

Environmental impact assessments of different auxiliary power units used for commercial aircraft by using global warming potential approach

RefereedArticleQ2 quartileSCI-ExpandedInternational
O Balli, H Caliskan
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022, pp. 1-13.
Publication year: 2022

Energy, exergy, environmental and sustainability assessments of jet and hydrogen fueled military turbojet engine

RefereedArticleQ2 quartileSCI-ExpandedInternational
Ozgur Balli, Hakan Caliskan
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 47, Issue 62, 22 July 2022, Pages 26728-26745.
Publication year: 2022

Assessment of biofuels from waste cooking oils for diesel engines in terms of waste-to-energy perspectives

RefereedArticleQ2 quartileSCI-ExpandedInternational
Ibrahim Yildiz, Hakan Caliskan, Kazutoshi Mori
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, Volume 50, March 2022, 101839.
Publication year: 2022

Analysis of vapor compression refrigeration cycle using advanced exergetic approach with Taguchi and ANOVA optimization and refrigerant selection with enviroeconomic concerns by TOPSIS analysis

RefereedArticleQ2 quartileSCI-ExpandedInternational
Ustaoglu A., Kursuncu B., Kaya A.M., Caliskan H.
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 52 (B) 102182: 1-15.
Publication year: 2022

Energetic and exergetic carbon dioxide equivalents and prices of the energy sources for buildings in Turkey

RefereedArticleQ2 quartileSCIInternational
Environmental Progress Sustainable Energy, 37(2), 912–925.
Publication year: 2018


In this study, the energy and exergy prices of the coal, diesel oil, electricity, fuel oil, LPG, natural gas, air source heat pump (ASHP) and ground source heat pump (GSHP) along with their energetic and exergetic carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalents are evaluated basing on 12‐month data of 2016 (from January to December) for residential and industrial sectors in Turkey. Also, they are considered as district heating energy sources/fuels to heat the 100 m2 floor area in the residential and industrial applications. For the residential and industrial sectors, the minimum energy & exergy prices and energetic & exergetic CO2 equivalents are found for the GSHP; while the corresponding maximum energy and exergy rates are obtained for the LPG. Also, the quantity of fuel required for the desired period is calculated for each one of the energy sources. If the residential and industrial sectors are considered together, the minimum amount of required fuel is found for the LPG as 16.3 kg/°Ch; while the maximum one is found for the coal (for residential sector) to be 44.25 kg/°Ch. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Environ Prog, 37: 912–925, 2018

Exergoeconomic and environmental impact analyses of a renewable energy based hydrogen production system

RefereedArticleQ2 quartileSCI-ExpandedInternational
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 38, no. 14, pp. 6104–6111, May 2013.
Publication year: 2013